Hi! I'm Susan George, the founder and CEO of Mediary. I've seen the power of social media first hand and how it can be a conduit to a supportive and like-minded community that spans all over the world.

From getting women paid to be authentically themselves online, to taking a founder's vision and crafting the most authentic brand story, I find that social media is a great equalizer, where anyone can build an audience and opportunities around their passions, talent, and pursuits.

My vision for Mediary is to be the go-to agency for creatives and brands that like to think out of the box. To build authentic connections and communities that can support, uplift, and inspire, and make the world a better place. We'd love to have you come on this journey with us!


Redefining Social Media Dynamics

Read the full article here

Top 10 Entrepreneurs Making Waves To Watch In 2024’s Business World

Read the full article here

Top 20 Entrepreneurs To

Look Out For

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How Susan George Built A Successful Social Media Marketing Empire

Read the full article here

Amplifying Voices, Elevating Brands

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